Our exclusive coffee blends are created based on our AM booklist by head roaster Vincent from Brew Note Coffee Roaster.
“Elevation” is a light roast that combines two types of Columbian coffee beans — sun-dried Caturra and Wush Wush — that have gone through anaerobic fermentation. Exhibiting a rich floral acidity, you might even pick up the juiciness of ripe cherries. This light roast is best paired with titles that will expand your mind and challenge the status quo.
“Placidity” is the delicate result of mixing two contrasting African coffee beans. This medium roast boasts a distinctive profile by combining the mild acidity of Kenyan beans and the fermented flavour of sun-dried Yirgacheffe beans. Complex yet calming, this blend eases the mind as you comb through solemn topics.
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English title: https://bit.ly/amchinbk
Chinese title: https://bit.ly/amenbook